Why President Dictator NGOs Role Rural Development
President NGOs 

Why President Cannot Be Dictator In India

According to the Indian Constitutional framework The President is the Head of the state, while Prime Minister is the Head of Government. The Supreme Court has consider that the position of the President in India, According to the Constitution is similar to the position of Crown in the British Parliamentary system. In the Constitution, Article 74(1) clearly defined that there shall be a Council of Ministers with Prime Minister to aid and advice President in exercise of his duties and functions. Therefore Indian President is a ceremonial head who can do nothing against the advice of Council of Ministers or can not do anything without the advice of Council of Ministers and prime minister. In the case of any abuse of power by the President, he can be removed from the office by impeachment through the Parliament. The Indian Government has a President but not a Presidential form of Government like as in the United States of America. According to the Indian Constitution the President is the head of the State but not head of the Executive. The President represents the nation but does not rule on the nation. The role of President in Indian democracy is impartial and above the party politics, he influence the decisions of the Prime Minister. The President has many exclusive legislative, executive and judicial powers but he can not be emerge as a dictator, because there are many sufficient checks and balances on the president powers.

NGOs Role In Rural Development

The Non Governmental Organisations (N.G.Os) are playing a important role in implementing the social welfare and rural development schemes in India or other underdeveloped nations. The major areas of Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in which they work, are micro-finance, micro insurance, and micro entrepreneurship activities for the overall development of the rural areas in the underprivileged and underdeveloped nations. the Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) generate their own finance, NGOs work have a better credibility and access in the rural areas. Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are take part in many community development programs like, adoption of villages for development, relief work during natural disasters and welfare of the people. NGOs make a direct link between villages and government for implementing the government's welfare schemes and marketing of the goods. Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) also take part in the government's policy planning, because they better known the real impediments of rural development. NGOs are also doing well In the agriculture sector activities involving the distributing planting materials, cattle, poultry, minor irrigation, free medical care for cattle etc. Therefore Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs) are playing a diverse role in the rural development of the underdeveloped nations, and they are required better support by the government and civil society. In India Uttar Pradesh has the highest number of NGOs in the country, which are in numbers over 5.5 lakhs. NGOs consider as a voice of marginalised and exploited people and NGOs help those marginalised and exploited people in accessing justice. NGOs reduce the caste divides in the rural areas by promoting common welfare programmes