what is continuous learning and what are its benefits

What is Continuous Learning and What are its Benefits

Learning is a continuous process of life, the pinnacle of the vision and vision of the universe. Learning is the only thing that separates humans from animals. As a human being, we have a great privilege to think. Thinking is a great thing that we all can do. A great quote from the irreverent APJ Abdul Kalam is "The process of learning provides creativity, about learning. Creativity enhances to the thinking, thinking imparts knowledge, knowledge makes you great ". Adhyagam is a stance taken by a person who observes, seeks prior knowledge, guides. allows discovery, and the acquisition of information, attitudes and behavior from within, as well as without seeing. All of this is a process if we stop learning and thinking, then there is no creativity and knowledge in our lives. Every human being must struggle beyond anything to learn new things. Ever since we were born, we learn many things. First of all, we learn how to stand, how to speak, how to move which has been thought by our parents. After that we acquire all the basic skills of life like eating, sleeping, wearing clothes etc. and basic knowledge by ourselves and with the help of others. Then, we were old enough to go to school, our parents taught us Sent to go to school. We spent all our children learning consequently, We could get a good level of knowledge to get a job after graduation from high school or university. We got more and more knowledge in our field because our experience is very valuable. Then we got training, held a seminar or joined a cyber class, got knowledge from the Internet or studied at home myself. Continuous lemming is a process that surrounds one's approach to sharing knowledge, academic curiosity, reading and practice, creativity, ability to think, and levels of knowledge. All of which are very important in creating a complete personality. Many people, once they have passed any certificate or obtained a degree, they will feel that they have attained the pinnacle of life. However, in reality, it is not. It is only a small part of the lifelong learning process. From every failure in our life, we should be able to learn a new thing. Therefore, please do not limit us to learning in just one subject, if we can see it with a wide range of thinking, then the whole world looks very small. Also called the age of competition. Everyone wants to compete with each other. Learning is also for the same purpose. Also in learning, people leak to compete with other. We should continue to study. Today everyone tries to get the perfect job. After getting a job, they also try to get progress in their jobs. People know that nothing lasts forever. Knowledge changes so fast. We spend our whole life on education, it is life long work. People who are 60 years ahead are also involved in learning activities. To kill the time, they learn various literature, stories, books of comics etc., therefore, we all are related to learning. auditory learning aural learner audible learner
visual learning learners learning styles.

Learning Components

Typically, learning can be defined as a relatively permanent change in behavioral ability that results from reinforced practice or experience. It can change our behavior. Since birth, everyone used to learn from their environment. On the other hand, the knowledge or skill acquired through schooling or study is also called teaching. Learning has many components. learning involves change. From an organizational perspective, change can be good or bad. People can learn adversarial behavior to capture prejudices or restrict their production. Temporal changes can only be reversible and may not represent learning. It is therefore required that learning should be relatively permanent in nature. Some form of experience is required to learn. Experience can be gained directly through observation or practice, or it can be gained indirectly, as through reading. Learning involves concentration and participation. It is usually quick and long lasting when the learner actively participates. As a result of participation, people learn more quickly and sustain that learning for a longer time. Learning does not happen in the classroom at a specific location. It is informal and can be obtained anytime, anywhere. There is no specific time to learn. A person can learn various things throughout his life. A change in a person's thought processes or attitudes, if not accompanied by a change in behavior, would not lead to learning. Learners benefited more from building an in-depth explanation of the content than memorizing the facts. If there is no explanation in learning, then learning by learning will be difficult for the learners. There are many ways to learn things. But the learner must know which is the best way to learn and choose it. It is related to the constant feedback that the learners should receive from the instructors and peers during the teaching process. Without it, well-learned abilities will also go away. feedback would be most effective if it is delivered in an enjoyable setting that involves a considerable level of personal interaction and personal support.