Ways To Overcome Learning Barriers Instructional Design
Learning is the process by which a person receives, ingests and stores or accepts information. Our experiences with the information learned form our knowledge. Learning can change our behavior. Knowledge or skills acquired through schooling or study is also called learning. In learning, every learner has to face some hurdles or barriers. the learner should overcome on these barriers by himself. There are ten Ways to Overcome Learning Obstacles or barriers. Which are,
1 - Environment.
2 - Routine.
3 - Verbal Instructions.
4 - Respect.
5 - Non-curricular Activities.
6 - Improving Communication Skills.
7 - ICT and Presentation Facilities.
8 - Give Concentration.
9 - Learn New Culture
10 - Effective and Timely Feedback.
Environment is a big factor for the organization. Because of noisy environment, learning should be difficult for the learner. The organizational environment should be noiseless. In addition to these, the organization should use visual cues, gestures and / or a signature system that reinforce spoken and written language, creating a visual timetable, and as far as possible, eliminate outside noise.
This is important to reduce confusion and give people a sense of security. When routines have to be broken, make sure that people are prepared and talks to them about what is going to happen.
Verbal Instructions
Verbal instructions should be brief and precise. The instructor should make sure that the learner knows that he is addressing them, not someone else. The teacher should make sure that the learner knows that he is addressing them, not someone else. Instructions should be given. He must speak clearly and naturally to ensure that the learner can see the face of the trainer.
If Young people don't want to work in pairs or groups, then you should not be forced to work in pairs or groups if they are uncomfortable in that situation. Honor should be shown for differences and be aware of the social network of the room, where the teaching session Will be held.
Non-curricular Activities
Problems often arise when the session is going on. After session times, in breaking time Non-curricular Activities should be organized for learners. Like, computer clubs, organized games and patrons, provide valuable support and Some training in social skills. which will help the students to deal with new situations.
Improving Communication Skills
Good communication skills can be better for learning anything. In this case, the instructor must use language that can be understood by the learners. In order to learn better, we have to improve our communication skills as soon as possible.
ICT and Presentation Facilities
To successfully conduct a teaching session, the instructor or organization must use ICT and visual presentation facilities. This affects the learner in a short period of time.
Give Concentration
All learners should focus on learning sessions. the organization should arranges training session to improve the skills of the employees, but it should focus on concentration of employee learning to succeed in the career. Sometimes it helps the employees. organization clearly concentrate to tell employees their work. Therefore, if they do not listen to these things properly, they will not perform their duties properly.
Learn New Culture
Although different countries have different cultures in the same country, the learner must learn about the new culture and learn to adjust there before moving to a new culture.
Effective and Timely Feedback
This is important for any kind of learning. Know in advance the presence of the instructor in a discussion forum and ask the questions that keep the discussion going. The learners should be aware of their progress throughout the course. It has already been made clear that the barriers are in the learner's, within the center of education, within the education system and in the wider social, economic and political context. These barriers may be exposed in different ways. And are only apparent when the urge to learning is broken. when the learner is out of the system or when it appears outside. Sometimes it is possible to identify permanent barriers in the learner or system that enable obstacles during the learning process and are seen as metamorphic goes. Different interventions or strategies may be required to prevent these. If the Effective and Timely Feedback have to be considered at the time of arranging a separate session, the organization will be successful.