stress symptoms at workplace instructional design masters online

Stress Symptoms At Workplace Instructional Design Masters Online

A good and healthy job is, where the pressure on employees is justified in relation to their abilities and resources, the amount of control they have over their work, and the support they receive from employer and organizations. a positive state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being at healthy workplace environment. people giving continuous assessment of risks to health, appropriate information on health issues and training. A healthy work environment in the organization is in which employees make health and promotion in their working lives. In this tough volatile competitive and computerized world, the challenges facing by the employee can be harder than ever. Both personal and occupational tensions increase human pulse and pressure. Everyone has special abilities, if these abilities are not used properly and recognized properly, they may feel reluctant or frustrated. Some low level of stress is a normal part of life, excessive stress interferes with productivity and reduces physical and emotional health. Therefore, it is very important to manage and reduce stress at work places. Ability to manage stress in the workplace can differentiate between success and failure at work. Stress is contagious and has an impact on the quality of life. Interacting with others as it transfers its bad characters to others. When an individual and organization experience role stress, adopt a variety of ways to deal with weight loss. This is stress management. The better you are managing your stress, the more you will positively affect the stress around you and the less others will affect you. Stress control is a leadership responsibility. Those who ignore the prevailing stress level are negligent in their duties. One must be diligent in combating stress. Fatigue and stress management in the workplace Understanding the concept of stress and reducing stress, one step at a time, can have a wonderful effect on controlling bad effects of stress.

Symptoms Of Stress

Due to these stresses or pressures, employees develop various stress symptoms that can damage their job performance. Often people who are under stress can panic and develop chronic anxiety. He is easily angry and unable to rest. They can be un-co-operative and in some cases excessive use of alcohol, drugs. Stress also gives rise to physical disorders due to physical changes to combat stress. This causes short distances disorders such as upset stomach, poor sleepiness, etc. such as stomach ulcers, diseases associated with the heart, kidneys, blood vessels, and parts of the body. The following figure specifies various symptoms of stress.

Physical Symptoms Of Stress

Physical symptoms of stress are associated with physical illnesses and increased blood pressure, increased heart and breathing rates, ulcers, headaches, convulsions and mild strokes.

Psychological Symptoms Of Stress

Not only physically affected, but will suffer personally due to the presence of mental stress. This causes job dissatisfaction, which is the most obvious psychological effect. In this state the person becomes mentally weak and unable to think further. Anxiety, aggression, boredom, depression, fatigue, frustration, guilt, hyper sensitivity, mental inhibition, danger and stress surround a person and imprison a worker in his or her cruel arms.

Behavioral Symptoms Of Stress

Behavioral Symptoms due to stress are related to changes in productivity, as well as changes in eating habits, increased alcohol consumption, rapid speech and sleep disorders, impaired speech, loss of appetite, impulsive behavior, emotional fit etc. arising from different job dimensions The occupational stress worsens the mental and physical health of the worker. It makes the employee stressed, depressed, anxious and emotionally unstable, Since the symptoms are just a siren blown against the threat, proper attention must be given to carrying it to work without any obstruction and dissatisfaction.

Stress Impact On Organizations

Stress Impact On Organizations shows Absenteeism, poor industrial relations and poor productivity, labor turnover rates, poor organizational climate, job and job conflicts, etc. will severely affect the running of an organization. With the advancement of technology, globalization and liberalization, stress has also increased. Therefore, stress management has become the need for the organization. Stress can inspire risky body-mind disorders. Therefore, it is important to keep this in mind to manage stress, before it takes a very bad effects on productivity and health of an employee.