steps of negotiation skills
Negotiation is a process where two or more parties work towards an agreement. There are five stages of negotiation in organizational behavior. Which are,
Negotiation Stage 1 Investigation.
Negotiation Stage 2 Determine Your BATNA.
Negotiation Stage 3 Presentation.
Negotiation Stage 4 Bargaining.
Negotiation Stage 5 Closure Negotiation steps.
Negotiation Stage 1 Investigation
The first stage in negotiation is to investigate and collect Informations. This is an important phase, first start with yourself, what are your goals for the negotiation? What do you want to achieve? What would you accept and What won't you accept at all? You need the clearest approach to your goals. And you should be honest with yourself about your priorities. During the negotiation, you will inevitably be faced with making choices. It is best to know what you want, so that in the heat of the moment you can make the best decision.
Negotiation Stage 2 Determine Your BATNA
An important part of the negotiation is to determine your BATNA, BATNA full form is Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement. You need to know what your options are, If you have various options, you can look at the proposed deal more critically. Your BATNA will help you to take right negotiation agreement and will reject an unfavorable deal. There are following main points for your BATNA,
Brainstorm the list of options that you can accept to negotiate if the conversation does not bring favorable results for you. Improve some of the more promising ideas and convert them into actionable options. Identify the most beneficial option to be kept in reserve. Remember that your BATNA can grow over time, so it is safe to modify it to knock it still accurate off your BATNA not disclose the other party. If your BATNA turns out to be worse than the other party expected, their offer may go down.
The third stage of negotiation is the presentation, In this phase, you collect and gathers the information in that way, which will supports your position best. which in turn reflects your value, Perhaps you have created a blog that will get your company's attention or receive donations or money for charity. Perhaps you are a team player who performs best in a group.
During the bargaining stage, each party should discuss their goals and come to an agreement. In bargaining most important part is making concessions, that is, giving up one thing to get something else in return. Giving concessions is not a sign of weakness. giving concessions is particularly important in tense management disputes, Giving concession shows further speed and process, and it removes the concerns of rigor or closed minds. Concessions often occur in areas of money, time, resources, responsibilities, or autonomy. When negotiating the purchase of products, you may agree to pay a higher price in exchange for receiving the products sooner. Alternatively, you can ask the manufacturer to pay a lower price for giving products in more time or flexibility in delivery.
Closure is an important part at the end of a negotiation, you and the other party have either come to an agreement on the terms, or one party has decided that the final proposal is unacceptable and therefore should walk away from it. Most negotiators recognize that if their best offer is rejected, then nothing is left to do. Make your offer best as you can make. see rejection as an opportunity to learn. if you are confused about why the deal did not happen, consider making a follow-up call. Even if you cannot win the deal back in the end, You can learn something useful for future negotiations.
Notice the agreement first. the best way is to agree that, you disagree on those topics and then focus only on those, you can reach an agreement on. Briefly state what you have agreed to, so that everyone feels as if they agree, and leave points on which you do not agree. Then raise those issues again in a different context, such as at dinner or coffee. Dealing with those issues separately can help in the negotiation process. Be patient. If you do not have a deadline by which an agreement needs to be reached, then use that flexibility to your advantage. The other party may be forced by circumstances to agree to your terms, if you can be patient then you may be able to get the best deal. During the conversation, each party is presenting their case, their version of reality. conversation brings the relevant facts to the forefront and argues their merit. negotiators are more likely to strike a compromise by offering more concessions and thinking creatively at any other time in the negotiation process. Be comfortable with the mood. After you make an offer, Allow the other side to react.
Brainstorm the list of options that you can accept to negotiate if the conversation does not bring favorable results for you. Improve some of the more promising ideas and convert them into actionable options. Identify the most beneficial option to be kept in reserve. Remember that your BATNA can grow over time, so it is safe to modify it to knock it still accurate off your BATNA not disclose the other party. If your BATNA turns out to be worse than the other party expected, their offer may go down.
Negotiation Stage 3 Presentation
The third stage of negotiation is the presentation, In this phase, you collect and gathers the information in that way, which will supports your position best. which in turn reflects your value, Perhaps you have created a blog that will get your company's attention or receive donations or money for charity. Perhaps you are a team player who performs best in a group.
Negotiation Stage 4 Bargaining
During the bargaining stage, each party should discuss their goals and come to an agreement. In bargaining most important part is making concessions, that is, giving up one thing to get something else in return. Giving concessions is not a sign of weakness. giving concessions is particularly important in tense management disputes, Giving concession shows further speed and process, and it removes the concerns of rigor or closed minds. Concessions often occur in areas of money, time, resources, responsibilities, or autonomy. When negotiating the purchase of products, you may agree to pay a higher price in exchange for receiving the products sooner. Alternatively, you can ask the manufacturer to pay a lower price for giving products in more time or flexibility in delivery.
Negotiation Stage 5 Closure
Closure is an important part at the end of a negotiation, you and the other party have either come to an agreement on the terms, or one party has decided that the final proposal is unacceptable and therefore should walk away from it. Most negotiators recognize that if their best offer is rejected, then nothing is left to do. Make your offer best as you can make. see rejection as an opportunity to learn. if you are confused about why the deal did not happen, consider making a follow-up call. Even if you cannot win the deal back in the end, You can learn something useful for future negotiations.
Strategies for Negotiation Success
Notice the agreement first. the best way is to agree that, you disagree on those topics and then focus only on those, you can reach an agreement on. Briefly state what you have agreed to, so that everyone feels as if they agree, and leave points on which you do not agree. Then raise those issues again in a different context, such as at dinner or coffee. Dealing with those issues separately can help in the negotiation process. Be patient. If you do not have a deadline by which an agreement needs to be reached, then use that flexibility to your advantage. The other party may be forced by circumstances to agree to your terms, if you can be patient then you may be able to get the best deal. During the conversation, each party is presenting their case, their version of reality. conversation brings the relevant facts to the forefront and argues their merit. negotiators are more likely to strike a compromise by offering more concessions and thinking creatively at any other time in the negotiation process. Be comfortable with the mood. After you make an offer, Allow the other side to react.