recruitment and selection hr function process in hrm

Human Resource Management Recruitment Selection Process

The Recruitment Selection is the major part of Human Resource Management (HRM). This has not been done without proper strategic planning. Recruitment Selection provides for the organization a qualified job candidates, from a number of candidates by choose the best candidate. Before hiring companies, they should implement appropriate staffing plans, and forecasts to determine how many people they will need. The basis of the forecast will be the organization's annual budget and the organization's short-term long-term plans, the possibility of expansion. Additionally, the organizational life cycle will be a factor. The forecast is based on both internal and external factors. Internal factors include the Budget constraints, Employee segregation, expectation or trend Production level, Sales increases or decreases and Global expansion plans are the external factors. changes in technology, changes in the laws, changes in unemployment rates, changes in urban, suburban, and rural areas forecast data is collected and analyzed, the HR professional can see where the gaps exist, and then begin hiring individuals with the right skills, education and background. selection in hrm human resource management and selection recruitment and selection in hrm.

Recruitment Strategy

Recruitment strategy is recruiting the right talent, at the right place and at the right time, which takes skill and practice, but more importantly it takes strategic planning. the development of staffing plans is depends on the aspects of market. Market conditions are the most crucial for to being strategic about your Recruitment Selectiones. Developing and Implementing Strategic HRM Plans Confirm job analysis through the questionnaire. Write job descriptions and job specifications. To recruit and review internal candidate qualifications for possible promotion. Determine the best recruitment strategies for the position. The first step in the Recruitment Selection is the acknowledgment of job opening. At this time, the Human resource management (HRM) manager look at the job description for the job opening assuming it is not a new job. job analysis and job description for the organization first decide to look at the qualifications of internal candidates. Internal candidates meaning who are already working for the company. If an internal candidate meets the job opening qualification, this person may be encouraged to apply for the job, and the job opening may not be published. Many organizations have a formal job posting process and bidding system for internal candidates. However, the benefit of publishing a position open to all, within and outside the company is to ensure that the organization is diverse. Then determine the best recruitment strategies for the type of position. for a high-level executive position hire an external head-hunting firm. For entry-level positions, advertising on social networking websites may be the best strategy. Most organizations will use different methods to achieve the best results. Another consideration is how the Recruitment Selection will be decided under constrained circumstances, such as a shorter time frame or a lower number of applications. establish a protocol for how applications and resumes will be processed to save time. some Human Resource Management (HRM) professionals may use software, such as Microsoft Excel to communicate the hiring process timeline to key managers. Once you complete these tasks, at last you have an interview selection process with a diverse group of people called. it is important to ensure that the right people should be recruited for the organization.

Job Analysis And Description

Job analysis is a formal system developed to determine what people actually do in their jobs. The purpose of a job analysis is to ensure the creation of the right fit between the job and the employee, and to determine how the employee's performance will be assessed.  in any organizations to perform job analysis, research is required for job analysis, which may mean reviewing the job responsibilities of current employees, researching job descriptions for similar jobs with competitors, and analyzing any new responsibilities that Needs to be completed by the person with the condition. According to the research of Hackman and Oldham, J. Richard, Motivation through the design of work Job diagnosis survey should be used to diagnose job characteristics before any new format of job. In order to begin writing a job analysis, keeping in mind the model of Heckman and Oldham, data needs to be collected and analyzed. Please note that job analysis is different from a job design. Job design refers to how a task can be modified or made more effective as new technology becomes available. Information gathered from job analysis is used to develop both job descriptions and job specifications. A job description is a list of job functions, duties and responsibilities. Job peculiarities, on the other hand, discuss the skills and abilities that a person must have in order to work. A job analysis must be done first, and then based on that data, we can successfully write job descriptions and job specifications. In any Organizations  two types of job analysis can be performed, a task based analysis and a competency or skills based analysis. a task based analysis focuses on job duties, and competency based analysis focuses on the specific knowledge and abilities of an employee has to perform a job. task based analysis might include information on the performance evaluation for employees. Create a report. Answer incoming phone calls. Help customers with product questions. competency based analysis may be more appropriate for specific, higher level positions, Able to use data analysis tools and Able to work within teams. Task based analysis requires a focus on job duties, while competency based analyzes focus on how a person can apply their skills to perform a job. We can see a task based analysis example as a receptionist, while a competency based analysis can be used for a vice president of sales position. if you prepare to write job analysis. Of course, this is not something that should be done alone. Feedback should be taken from managers to make this task useful in all levels of the organization. would you analyze all jobs in the organization or focus on just one department? Once you have determined how you will conduct the analysis, a tool should be chosen to perform the analysis. Most organizations use questionnaires online or hard copy to determine the duties of each work title. In many organizations face to face interviews can be perform for this task, depending on time constraints and the size of the organization. Job analysis questionnaires usually include the following types of questions, obviously depending on the type of industry.