Strategic Intent Vision Objectives And Policies
Strategic Intent:
Strategic intent refers to the overarching direction and purpose of an organization. It defines the long-term aspirations and goals that the organization aims to achieve. It provides a clear sense of purpose and guides decision-making processes.
The vision statement outlines the desired future state or the ultimate goal that an organization strives to achieve. It is a concise and inspirational statement that captures the organization's long-term aspirations and the impact it aims to create.
Objectives are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound goals that are set to realize the organization's vision. They break down the vision into actionable steps and provide a roadmap for achieving the desired outcomes. Objectives should be aligned with the strategic intent and help measure progress toward the vision.
Policies are guidelines or principles that govern decision-making and actions within an organization. They provide a framework for consistent and standardized behavior, ensuring that actions align with the organization's strategic intent, vision, and objectives. Policies cover various aspects of organizational operations, including governance, ethics, human resources, finance, and operations.
It's important to note that strategic intent, vision, objectives, and policies are interrelated and should be aligned with each other to ensure organizational coherence and effectiveness. The strategic intent provides the overarching direction, the vision paints a picture of the desired future, the objectives set specific goals, and the policies provide guidelines for achieving those goals while maintaining consistency and compliance.