Deming Quality Management

William Edwards Deming 

William Edwards Deming (1900-1993) was a leading thinker in the field of quality management. He pioneered a philosophy and methodology that allowed individuals and organizations to organize and continuously improve their relationships, processes, products and services. His philosophy is cooperation and continuous improvement; He avoids blame and redeems mistakes as opportunities for improvement.

Deming's 14 points for management

Deming's 14 points establish a consistent goal for product and service improvement, achieving convergence, staying in business, and providing business a new philosophy. Western management must rise to the challenge, learn their responsibilities and take the lead for change. Stop dependence on mass inspection. Quality in fact from the beginning. The end of the business is based on the price. Move to one supplier for each item, based on a long-term relationship of trust and confidence. Constantly and always improve the system of production and service to improve quality and reduce waste. Organizational training and retention. Leadership Institute to help people do their work better. reduce the fear so that employees can work effectively for the organization. break down barriers between departments. People in research, design, sales and production must work as a team to anticipate and solve production problems. eliminate slogans, encouragements and targets for their work so that they necessarily achieve their goals. They should eliminate numerical quotas to consider quality and method rather than just numbers. To remove the barriers of pride. The Institute's vigorous program of education and re-training applies to both management and operations. Take action to complete the transformation. Management and the workforce must work together. Here, Deming describes the main barriers of management, He was referring to US industry and management practices. Lack of consistency of purpose to design products and services that will have a market and keep the company afloat. Emphasis on short-term profit and short-term thinking (just the opposite of a firm plan to stay in business), fear of an enemy takeover, and demanding money from bank owners. Performance evaluation and annual reviews. Mobility managers and job hopping. Management by use only available data. High medical costs. High liability costs. Deming said effective management and commitment to quality are necessary to combat these seven deadly diseases. He emphasized the importance of communicating quality messages to all staff and building trust in top quality management. The relevance of these principles to a broader general management application contributed to Deming's status as the founder of the Quality Management movement, not just quality and process control. This is because it has an audience that is much wider than lobby quality.

PDCA Cycle (The Deming Wheel)

The PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle consists of four steps or steps that must be carried out in order to go from difficulty to solving the problem. Plan for amendments to make the amendment. Let him not change the meanness of these things, when he was accused of them. Check to see if the changes are working and track the selected processes. It acts as a maximum benefit from the change.