Traditional Modern Values Society
Traditional And Modern Values In Society

Traditional And Modern Values In Society

Today we are living in modern world with the transition from traditional values to modern socio-ethical values. Although we are living in a modernism values society, but this does not mean that we are completely neglecting or forgotten our traditional socio ethical values. The traditional socio ethical values teach us about the preservation of joint families, the morality of respecting and taking care of our elders and old age parents, which is the collectivism values in society. The traditional values of practices mentioned in sacred texts show the harmony between man and nature and consider nature as sacred for humanity. The traditional medical values practices mentioned in charak samhita and ayurveda, which include surgeries, medicine and the importance of Yoga in the present times has been adopted by the modern world. The Indian traditional values of sacred nature of humanity and dignity treating the entire world as vasudhaiva kutumbakam, which means that entire world is one community. the traditional Indian foreign policy formed on the basis of sanatana dharma embedded in our upanishads. The debate started on bad traditional practices, in modern british India times, when Raja Rammohan Roy questioned about the practice of sati pratha, which is considered by Raja Rammohan Royas as murder according to every Shastra. In the same time in modern India social reformers argued on the justification of untouchability and inferior status to Dalits. And the debate also started in modern India for the women education. As we are moving and entering towards a progressive society. The modern times social reformers like Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar and Swami Vivekananda argued for the equality and dignity of every human beings beyond gender and caste basis differences. We see that modernism is confused with westernization, but in real meaning modernism in the wider spectrum progressive outlook in terms of present socio-economic conditions. rather than imitating the western values and practices. We should adopt correct combination of traditional and modern values practices for the well-being and welfare of humanism and universalism. We should promote Modern values and traditional social ethical values for the enhancement of human dignity and inclusive and equitable development along with social justice in the world.