Ocean Resources Exploitation
Ocean is the important source of food, travel from one country to other countries, and help in explore trade and acquire wealth. The oceans maintain ecosystem balance on the land. ocean is the largest absorber of Carbon dioxide,and ocean winds regulate and maintain cool climate. The ocean currents maintain marine ecosystem and provide nutrients to growth of ocean vegetation, planktons, fish species, and millions of other species beneath the ocean. Over the years people have more exploited ocean's resources like gem, minerals, Rutile, Zircon, Monazite, Manganese, Phosphates, crude oil and gas for commercial use. The oceans ecological systems are continue changing, due to climate change and man made exploitation. There is a common need of globally to protect the ocean, for this The United Nations Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) come in front and provides a basic framework for ocean governance and resource exploitation.
Ocean Ecological Problems
Due to pollution, climate change, man made industrial development and associated activities, are harming the coastal and marine ecological systems. Marine life is disturbing and threatening by noise pollution, mainly come from shipping, seismic air guns used in oil and gas, and naval sonar. We are polluting the oceans by Oil spills, dumping of toxic wastes, and plastics into the ocean. Human commercial activities like fisheries, shipping, extraction of minerals, exploration the natural gas and oil and climate change effects are very much harmful for the ocean ecological systems. a large number of people in the world are dependent on the ocean coastal and marine ecosystems resources. In spite of ocean's ecological and economic importance, the major drivers of ocean ecological degradation are anthropogenic habitat conversion of land use, by overexploitation of resources, destructive harvesting practices, pollution from domestic, agricultural and industrial effluents added into the ocean. To reduce the adverse impacts on coastal ecological and marine biodiversity across the world, IUCN created a sustainable development goals framework to manage and protect marine ecological and coastal ecosystems from land-based pollution. and enhancing the sustainable use of ocean-based resources through international law.