Women Organizations In Contemporary usa

Women Organizations In Contributions India

There are many factors, which are affecting women’s work participation in the country. there are lack of governments policy for women’s empower through education training and no easy resources such as land, credit and technology for women's organizations. in our country there is patriarchy due to which male is the main source of the family earn. This fact adversely affects women’s education & training. the employers also consider women workers as supplementary workers and give the low wage for women. new technology changes in the economy decline traditional rural industries. there is no assets such as land, house in women own name due to which access to credit for self employment opportunities is very hard for women. there are various home tasks for women, like child caring and cooking etc. due to which no additional time for women. Division of work based on the gender between men and women against women because of technological advancements. so women are the last to be hired and first to be fired. so there is need of women organizations in the whole country. Government programs to increase employment focused for women are seen as beneficiaries rather than active participants. many steps were taken by the government for women’s movement like Equal Remuneration Act, Minimum Wage Act, Maternity Benefit Act etc. to ensure equal opportunity for women in the society and at work. illiteracy is the major problem in women workforce, due to which 87% of women are employed in unorganized sector, where fear of losing jobs and lack of laws awareness to protect them. there are few women organizations are working to raise the voice of the women workers for improvement in their work place and working conditions which are,

Self-Employed Women’s Association (SEWA) 

SEWA is a trade union organization. who is working for poor, self-employed women workers in the unorganized sector. most of them are illiterate don't know the labour laws. SEWA help them to obtain benefits like the workers of organized sector in the country. SEWA’s main goals are to organize women workers for full employment. 

Working Women’s Forum (WWF) 

This women organization forum is working for reduction poverty among the poor women. and also working for strengthening of economic, social and cultural status of poor working women, by providing micro-credit training, social mobilization and other interventions for poor women. 

Annapurna Mahila Mandal (AMM)

Annapurna Mahila Mandal women organization is working for the welfare of women and the girl child. It organizes various activities for women education, women's health, nutrition, mother and childcare, family planning, literacy on environmental sanitation. It works for the empowerment of women and make them able to take their own decisions and fight for security and their rights. This women organization also promotes individual and group leadership among the women.