Harappan Civilization Town Planning:
The town planning of Harappan civilization is one of the most impressive handiwork of the arrangement of a city. in the town planning of Harappan, each town was divided into two parts, one on higher ground which was for the fort, ruling class and the priestly class houses. lower part was the human settlements of other classes. many communities people lived there in the town with encircled high wall made of burnt bricks. The town planning of Mohenjodaro and Kalibangan was the same as per this pattern.
The Harappan people houses were built by burnt bricks. The size of the bricks was in the proportion of 4:2:1. the towns of Harappa, Mohenjo-Daro, Rupar and Mehergarh also built by the burnt bricks. bricks dried in the sun were used in building of Kalibangan houses. each house had a drawing room, bed-room, kitchen, spacious verandah, bath room and a well nearby. The waste-water of the house was drained out into the main drain of the town. which shows their sense of health and hygiene. some houses were made double-storied buildings with staircases made of burnt bricks. Each house had a high compound walls to protect from wild animals.
In Harappan town planning roads were very wide, crisscrossing the town from east to west and north to south. Each crossing was vertical and light-post on the crossing. The houses were built on the side of the roads. E.J.H. Mackay Commented on the Harappan roads, that the straight wide roads with vertical crossings acted as ventilators for the town, and kept the town pollution free.
The Great Bath:
The main attraction of the Harappan culture town planning was the Great Bath, which was situated in the Fort-area. The Great Bath was 12 metres in length, 7 metres in breadth and 3 meters deep, which was situated in a 55 metres long and 33 metres wide hall. The sides and floor were rock- hard with a stairway led to the great bath. the supply of water to the bath-pool was from a adjacent room with a big well. Separate sets of drains were connected to the great bath for in-let and out-let of water. A ring of rooms and a corridors were around the great bath. historians thinks that the Great Bath was for the exclusive use of the ruling and priestly classes for extraordinary occasions like coronation and different rituals.
Great Granary and Hearth:
The Harappan buildings was the large granary. Many stone floors formed with 16 metres long and 6 metres wide. these granary was immensely useful in times of flood, storms and droughts. many hearths at Kalibangan was discovered. in which Seven ovens were in a row on a brick-laden floor. May be, these were used for general auspicious occasions for the community-kitchen.