United States 5G Security Concerns
The United States President Biden and the US government is very sensitive on, 5G security as a high priority and working with full efforts for a vibrant digital economy worldwide. 5G technology is the future of the Internet things, internet firewall security and will touch every aspect of our lives in every field. the whole world Countries and citizens should trust on 5G technology equipment and software, and remain sure that 5G will not threaten national security, personal privacy, and human rights. we should give pressure for securing these 5G networks for Internet security and higher security for 5G users. The United States and others partners believe that 5G security can only be addressed effectively through a truly global approach, and all the partners are committed to engaging on 5G technology with all of our allies and partners to promote open, interoperable, secure, and reliable information and communications 5 G technology infrastructure supported by a trusted supply chain of diverse, trustworthy suppliers for internet firewall security. Reflecting the priority the all world countries place on secure and interoperable 5G technology networks, the United States participated in the third annual Prague 5G technology Security Conference. all the participants from all around the world praise the release of the Prague Proposals on Telecommunications Supplier Diversity by the Czech Republic, and thank them for their leadership and collaboration for 5 G technology. These Proposals highlight the vital role of governments in fostering trustworthy, secure and resilient 5G telecommunications networks, that are foundational to all the privacy and security online. The United States supports and welcome these Proposals, which build upon prior efforts with the G7 partners and the Quad, we intend to promote them in our global engagements on 5G technology, which is the future of internet connectivity all around the world. The United States further appreciates the leadership of the Czech Republic for this Summit, identifying and seeking to address 5G security challenges posed by the development and deployment of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies and the release of the “Prague Proposals 2.0 on Internet Cyber Security of Emerging and Disruptive Technologies,” at this Summit. the United States and all others partners around the world also praise the Czech Republic for convening a successful event on 5G technology manufacturer and supplier diversity. Participants, including around the world and the United States speakers, discussed the importance of 5G security issue, we all are with the United States is advancing it, and emphasized the growing need for shared cooperation international principles like 5G internet security outlined in the Proposals.